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CNR has earned a reputation for integrity, personal service, market intelligence and performance.

About CNR - History

A Respected Leader Throughout the Nation
Corporate National Realty was formed in 1988 by Samuel A. Rozzi, SIOR in partnership with a select group of colleagues with vast experience in commercial real estate.  Mr. Rozzi and the founders came together with a goal of elevating the level of personalized representation for corporate, institutional and national clients. Their venture has blossomed, and CNR has become a leader in the Long Island and Metropolitan New York area commercial real estate industry, serving a diverse mix of clients from Fortune 500 corporations to private companies. CNR has earned a reputation for integrity, personal service, market intelligence and performance.

CNR Provides:

Headquartered in Woodbury, New York, CNR employs dedicated real estate brokers and advisors who are committed to the highest level of client service in small, medium and large real estate assignments.